Nuts On The Flop

Poker stories from an Irish player...tournament reports, thoughts and goals

Friday, April 07, 2006

SE Double Chances - €75 5/4/2006 & €50 6/4/2006

Played two mid-week double chance freezeouts in the Sporting Emporium, didn't last very long in either so here are the two short reports:

€75 DC 5/4/2006

I think we had about 27 runners or so, including an extremely impressive Boards contingent. On my starting table were ocallagh (Niall), Ollyk1, rounders123 (Aidan), brianmc and myself, 5 out of 8 players! This made it much tougher going than the usual Wednesday night, and two of the other three players I recognised as strong competitors from the Fitz. I didn't get many hands or was involved in many situations of note, though during the first level I found AQ on my big blind and wanted to ensure than none of the 5 limpers who dared such a thing on my watch would get to see a flop, to raised to 600 (12xBB!). They all folded. A level later I checked on my BB with K2, three limpers, flop was J22 rainbow. The SB checked, I bet 200, UTG+1 raised to 500, limpers folded. I had half a mind to flat call, but decided to raise to 1000 to see how committed he was to his Jx. He wasn't and folded. Should've flat called, as Olly later mentioned.

Just before the break I lost almost 1k (I had 4.5k at that stage, slightly over starting stack) when I reraised preflop with AKo and had to drop it on a raggy flop. With the harsh blind structure after the break (blinds 100/200 then jump to 200/400), you need to get busy quickly. I moved tables, stole the blinds on the button with Q8s, but pushed just before the blinds moved up with K7h. A player in LP called my 2.5k bet with KK and I was out. Good fun that night with so many boardsters around (got to meet Eoghan who is a newish poster and willis was pointed out to me).

€50 DC 6/4/2006

I was looking forward to playing this all day and was in great form upon arrival. Again, lots of boardsters in attendance, Olly was there as usual, Eoghan again and I met ianmc38 (who I recognised from a few final tables in there before). I was on an interesting starting table with 50% good players and 50% unknowns, most of whom turned out to be maniacs! I took my chips early and grinded up from 3k to 4k before the end of the 2nd level. It was all downhill after that! One hand that I made a mistake on: I was on SB, blinds were 50/100. Two limpers, I had A8o, decided to flat call (poor hand for my position, couldn't really raise on that table). BB checked and flop was AK9 rainbow. I checked, BB checked, Richie (Fitz regular) bet 400, LP limper folded. I made a decision too quickly and without thinking it through; I folded. So did the BB and Richie took the pot. I almost immediately gave myself an internal talking to - I should have raised Richie's bet, perhaps going all in (I only had around 3k left at this point). I was probably ahead, and even if I weren't, he might have folded stronger cards after that move. I reckoned he would have raised pre-flop with any cards better than A9, so the hands he could have held that had me beat were limited: A9, K9 - he might have had A8 too, for a split pot if he called my all in, which I very much doubt he would. The fold was a poor decision made in haste that I really regretted.

I then donked off a fair amount of my stack chasing the nut flush - I limped in on the table's resident gambler 's (couldn't lay down any pair, any draw or Ax) BB with A5c. Three other limpers, flop was Kxx with two clubs. The BB immediately bet 500 (blinds 75/150), other limpers fold, I should have folded but called. Turn was 7s. He bet 1000, I have 2.5k left and fold. Ugh.

After the break I was again in double up or bust mode. Moved to table 1, pushed on Ollys BB with KT0, took down the blinds. Next hand I had AQo, pushed again, called by TT and with no help home I go. I was happy to be called, as the clock indicated that the blinds were up to 200/400 and I only 2.3k left and needed that double up badly. Obviously I want to be called by Ax rather than a pair, but I was still fine to see TT.

Some big games this weekend, €300 FO in the SE on Saturday night and a €100 rebuy Irish Open (€3000 buy in) sat tournament that afternoon. Might play the Irish Open sat, though have planned to be in Galway for the following weekend (Easter) when the Open kicks off.


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